We ask that you RSVP by Monday, May 31, 2021 at 6pm. You will then receive the Zoom meeting link and some of the documents that will be discussed at the meeting, in advance by RSVPing.
Please make sure that you are a member in good standing (this ensures you are able to vote at the AGM). To repurchase your membership, renew online today!
- Approval of agenda
- Introduction of board and staff
- Approval of minutes from the 2020 AGM
- Chair’s report
- Director’s report
- Treasurer’s report and presentation of 2020 audited financial statements
- Election of the Board of Directors
- Varia / members’ comments and questions
- Presentation of 2021 – 2022 Board of Directors
- Adjournment
Proxy Voting
Can’t attend, but want to participate? Please fill out the proxy form and assign it to a member in attendance who will vote on your behalf. This proxy form must be emailed in advance of the meeting to Jenna Spencer at operations@digitalartsresourcecentre.ca.