
The DARC Microcinema is a small-scale community cinema that offers independent filmmakers and media artists a space to publicly screen their work for free.

The DARC Microcinema is a member resource; therefore, a DARC membership is required to book the space. There are no fees required to reserve the DARC Microcinema at this time. All events at the DARC Microcinema must be free to the public or by donation (PWYC).

By hosting regular screenings of independent works, the DARC Microcinema aims to create a space that:

  • Encourages community collaboration;
  • Allows artists to make new connections and share ideas;
  • Inspires the creation of new works;
  • Provides greater access to creative and educational learning opportunities in the Ottawa region.

Permitted Uses

  • Film, video, and media art screenings;
  • Artist talks, panels, and presentations;
  • Contact us if you’re unsure if the Microcinema is right for your event. 

Non-Permitted Uses

  • Events organized by non-DARC members;
  • Events that charge admission or prevent entry due to financial limitations;
  • Events outside of the video and media art field;
  • Events led by for-profit organizations.


darc eVENTS

upcoming EVENTS: 
  • March 27th, 2024, 6-8 pm
“Bring It Black:  Films by Black Artists in Canada” by Cinema Politica

PAST Events: 
    • February 15th, 2024, 6-8 pm

Night School with Patrick Kabeya: Mastering our Stories 

    • December 7th, 2023, 6 – 8 pm 

 Funky in the Bunky

  • November 29th – December 1st, 2023 

Day With(out) Art

    • November 19th, 2023 

 Bed-Frame: Healing, Self-Invention, and the Other AIDS.

  • October 30th – November 10th, 2023 

Mother Ladder Night

  • October 14th 2023, 11am – 1 pm

Interactive Brainwave Performance & Music 

  • September 27th, 2023, 6:30 – 9pm 

From Oberhausen to Ottawa (DARC X Goethe Institut)

  • June 10th, 2023, 5pm – 11pm
    Radical Noise: Social Action Through Music and Video (DARC x Debaser)
  • April 6th, 2023, 6pm – 8pm
    DARC Microcinema Launch: Big Gay Screening


  • November 17th & 18th, 2023

Possible Worlds – Object Project Festival 

  • October 2nd 2023 , 7 pm 

Possible Worlds – Knust: the Pioneers of Riso Print 

  • October 1st 2023, 1pm –  2pm

Digi60 – Catch Release and Kick Off

  • September 19th – 24th, 2023 

Ottawa International Animation  Festival – Chicken Soup Symbiosis & Other Stories of Humanity: The Films of Justin Tomchuk


Before booking

Please review each section before booking

  • 40 – 47 seats (Depending on accessibility needs)
  • Projector – Epson Pro G7905U projector / long throw / 7000 lumens
  • Silver Screen Outline – 18 ft wide
  • Computer – Mac Pro (2013) 2.7GHz 12-core Xeon E5 64 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 AMD FirePro D700 6 GB 1 TB SSD 
  • Loudspeakers2 x QSC K12.2
  • Mixer – Mackie 802VLZ4

DARC asks that masks be used in all our spaces. Masks and hand sanitizer are provided.

  • All doors at DARC have accessibility buttons to press for automatic entry. DARC is located on the main floor (one story above ground) of the Arts Court building. DARC’s main entrance is located at 67 Nicholas Street which is fully wheelchair accessible. The nearest elevator is located 30 metres from the 67 Nicholas Street entrance. From the elevator, the DARC Microcinema is located 5 metres to your right.
  • Chair specifications (1¼” foam padded seats with 3/4″ backrest, 16 x 16″ fabric padded cushion, 18” high, 300lb capacity);
  • Potential for triggering content, flashing lights and sudden sounds.

    Please note, while we do our best to review the content for each booking request, we have limited control over the programming of our members.

  • All members, staff and visitors shall commit themselves to behave courteously and professionally while respecting privacy, safety, diversity and personal choice.
  • Violence and harassment will not be tolerated at DARC, in any capacity.
  • It is the responsibility of all staff, members and volunteers to protect the property owned or entrusted to the organization from theft, destruction, infringement, neglect, or misuse.
  • No alcohol is to be consumed on the premises without purchasing a Special Occasion Permit. If your private booking involves the consumption and or sale of alcohol, you must consult DARC staff and, with their approval, purchase and share a copy of the SOP for your event.
  • It is the responsibility of staff, members and visitors to conduct themselves in a manner which is suitable to the presence of minors, respectful of their sensibilities, and in adherence to applicable laws.
  • Individuals/groups must display and use the DARC logo on all promotional materials and their screening files. Find a high-resolution version of our logo here.
  • Please note DARC does not provide on-site technical support for Microcinema bookings;
  • DARC staff are available to provide an overview of the space and any equipment needed prior to your event;
  • Let us know if you require a technician for your event and we will gladly share our recommendations.

DARC and City of Ottawa staff diligently keep the DARC Microcinema tidy. Still, as a community space, all members are expected to clean up after themselves and rearrange the furniture to its original configuration after use. If any damage occurs in the area, members must inform DARC staff and may be subject to a cleaning/repair fee.

Ready to book?

Please review each section of this page before booking. DARC staff will do our best to respond to your booking request within 48 hours. Note that all bookings are subject to availability. For general inquiries, please contact: access@digitalartsresourcecentre.ca