The DARC Microcinema is a small-scale community cinema that offers independent filmmakers and media artists a space to publicly screen their work for free.
The DARC Microcinema is a member resource; therefore, a DARC membership is required to book the space. There are no fees required to reserve the DARC Microcinema at this time. All events at the DARC Microcinema must be free to the public or by donation (PWYC).
By hosting regular screenings of independent works, the DARC Microcinema aims to create a space that:
Night School with Patrick Kabeya: Mastering our Stories
Funky in the Bunky
Day With(out) Art
Bed-Frame: Healing, Self-Invention, and the Other AIDS.
Mother Ladder Night
Interactive Brainwave Performance & Music
From Oberhausen to Ottawa (DARC X Goethe Institut)
Possible Worlds – Object Project Festival
Possible Worlds – Knust: the Pioneers of Riso Print
Digi60 – Catch Release and Kick Off
Ottawa International Animation Festival – Chicken Soup Symbiosis & Other Stories of Humanity: The Films of Justin Tomchuk
DARC asks that masks be used in all our spaces. Masks and hand sanitizer are provided.
Please note, while we do our best to review the content for each booking request, we have limited control over the programming of our members.
DARC and City of Ottawa staff diligently keep the DARC Microcinema tidy. Still, as a community space, all members are expected to clean up after themselves and rearrange the furniture to its original configuration after use. If any damage occurs in the area, members must inform DARC staff and may be subject to a cleaning/repair fee.
Please review each section of this page before booking. DARC staff will do our best to respond to your booking request within 48 hours. Note that all bookings are subject to availability. For general inquiries, please contact: access@digitalartsresourcecentre.ca
67 Nicholas St, Ottawa, ON K1N 7B9