Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance. First round deadline: Sept 16.

Apply now for the OAC Exhibition Assistance Grant

Digital Arts Resource Centre (DARC) is proud to be a recommender for the Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant, supporting Ontario-based professional media artists or collectives in the installation of a confirmed, upcoming public exhibition.


💿 Minimum $500, maximum $2,000;

💿 Applicants must submit their application before their exhibition start date;

💿 Applicants must be Ontario residents with a permanent physical address in Ontario;

💿 Only costs that are the artists’ responsibility, and not covered by the gallery or presenter, are eligible;

💿 Recipients must submit a final report upon completion of the project.

Enter your application in the OAC Nova portal before September 16th to be considered.

For more information visit digitalartsresourcecentre.ca/ontario-arts-council-exhibition-assistance/

About DARC Microcinema

DARC Microcinema is a venue powered by the Digital Arts Resource Centre (DARC), located in Ottawa, Canada. The space is uniquely configured to present installations, screenings, and performances by contemporary artists working within the field of media art and the moving image. The opening of DARC Project Space in January 2018 was part of a major expansion project for DARC, and represents a significant addition to its long history of nurturing and championing experimental practices.

Opening Hours*

Monday to Wednesday

Thursday & Friday

Closed Saturdays & Sundays



Tuesdays & Wednesdays  10-5pm
Thursdays & Fridays  10-8pm
Saturdays & Sundays  10-5pm
Mondays  Closed