What you need to know if you’re booking DARC equipment or facilities over the winter holidays.
Reminder: Equipment returns from the winter break must return to DARC no later than noon on January 9th 2025. If you haven’t already, please review your email to use the Calendy link to schedule your return.
Equipment rentals
Equipment rentals are on pause while DARC does a thorough inventory, and trains the new tech manager. Equipment will not be signed out from January 10-30th; if we finish miraculously early, you will be the first to know. Otherwise begin planning your bookings for pickup on January 31!
It’s not too late to volunteer for inventory! We are back in office by January 6 and can schedule you for shifts from January 10-onward. Email tech@digitalartsresourcecentre.ca to express interest.
In addition to this, we will be unable to book the recording studio on January 7, 10, 13,14 during Club SAW’s new PA system installation. Both daytime and after hour bookings will be impacted. The edit suite may also be loud but unlikely to impact your work.
Members can still book the post production suites during inventory so long as they can work independently, as the tech department will be otherwise occupied. If you want to hire a technician please contact tech@digitalartsresourcecentre.ca
Specifically for Dec 20 – feel free to ask questions at the potluck! We don’t want to talk too much shop but we can confer about it over some pie
Thank you, and happy holidays!
The Tech Department Team