Photo of ice chunks on a shoreline with text that reads Sous l'eau: Enregistrements terrain en hiver

Field Recording | Sous l’eau: Enregistrements terrain en hiver

February 23, 2025

11 AM - 5 PM EST

Cet atelier bilingue, offert en collaboration avec le Centre de production DAÏMÔN, vise à offrir une introduction à la prise de son sous l’eau et la glace en utilisant des hydrophones. Nous y apprendrons des techniques simples telles que l’utilisation des microphones et enregistreuses ainsi que les différences avec et entre les microphones non conventionnels.

Participants vont passer cet atelier avec des idées pour l’expérimentation continuée et les outils pour travailler dans l’enregistrement terrain au futur. Cet atelier est enseigné par un instructeur bilingue. Instruction sera en français. Questions peuvent être demandés en français ou anglais. Les participant.e.s auront l’occasion d’observer et d’enregistrer les sons à l’aide d’un hydrophone dans des bacs contenant de l’eau et de la glace. Ces enregistrements seront abordés dans une perspective de pratique exploratoire de l’expérience du son. L’expérimentation est fortement encouragée.

Les participant.e.s repartiront de cet atelier avec des idées pour d’autres expériences et les compétences nécessaires pour travailler sur de futurs projets d’enregistrement sur le terrain. Cet atelier sera donné par un instructeur bilingue. L’atelier se déroulera en français mais les questions et échanges peuvent être demandés en français ou anglais.

Public cible

Toute personne intéressée par la prise de son ou l’enregistrement sur le terrain. Aucune expérience préalable n’est requise.


Dimanche 23 février, de 11h à 17h

Matériel nécessaire

DARC et DAÏMÔN fourniront tout le matériel nécessaire à cet atelier.


Michael Caffrey est présentement le directeur technique de Daimon. Il a travaillé comme technicien dans les domaines du son, des arts visuels, de l’électronique et des médias. Sa pratique personnelle est la performance sonore et l’enregistrement.

Prix de l’atelier

Cet atelier coûte 50 $ pour les membres de DARC ou de DAÏMÔN et 100 $ pour les non-membres. Pour accéder à la tarification des adhésions avec DARC, visitez le : Pour accéder aux tarifs d’adhésion chez DAÏMÔN, visitez le:

Les frais de participation à cet atelier peuvent être exonérés si l’accessibilité financière représente  un obstacle à la participation. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez communiquer avec nous au:


This bilingual workshop, offered in collaboration with DAÏMÔN, will provide an introduction to underwater and ice recording through the use of hydrophones. We’ll learn basic recording techniques, develop an understanding of how both microphones and recorders work, and compare the differences between various unconventional microphones.

Participants will have an opportunity to observe and record the sounds of a hydrophone underwater and in melting ice. Field recording is a practice of exploring and experiencing sound, and experimentation is encouraged.

Participants will come away from this workshop with ideas for further experimentation and the skills to work on future field recording projects.

This workshop is led by a bilingual instructor. Instruction will be in French. Questions can be asked in either French or English.


Sunday, February 23, 11am-5pm

Required Materials

DARC and DAÏMÔN will provide all equipment required for this workshop


Michael Caffrey is currently the technical director of DAÏMÔN. He has worked as a technician in the fields of sound, visual arts, electronics and media. His personal practice is sound performance and recording.

Workshop Pricing

This workshop is $50 for members of DARC or DAÏMÔN and $100 for non-members. To access DARC’s member pricing visit: To access DAÏMÔN’s member pricing visit:

Fees for this workshop can be waived if access to funds is a barrier to participation. For more information please email

About DARC's Workshops

Digital Arts Resource Centre (DARC) provides training in a varied range of disciplines related to filmmaking and media art while making a dedicated effort to create a pathway to an intersectional education. We aspire to be a platform for creative support and community building through active participation and exchange of knowledge. Our workshops and courses explore the ways in which technical and conceptual frameworks can be used as tools to improve your creative practice. DARC’s educational offerings are open to members and the general public engaged in the creation of non-commercial, independent productions and work.

Who Is Eligible to Register for Workshops?

Workshops are open to Digital Arts Resource Centre members and the general public engaged in the creation of non-commercial, independent productions and work (Non-commercial, independent productions are productions for which the director retains copyright and artistic control, and for which the production is neither being produced for a client nor for the purpose of advertising or promotion).

Who Is Ineligible for Workshops?

Digital Arts Resource Centre does not offer our workshops to persons employed by any government body or any major corporation if the resources are being used to facilitate benefit for one’s employer or for corporate professional development within one of these kinds of organizations. Our workshops are heavily subsidized as they are available only for independent artists/learners who cannot typically afford to take corporate rate workshops. You can find non-subsidized workshops from our friends at SPAO or Henry’s.

Workshop Pricing

DARC’s single-session online workshops are offered on a sliding scale, meaning individuals determine their own fee based on what they can afford.

We understand that everyone’s situation is different. When registering for workshops, we ask that you honestly examine your privilege (i.e. education, generational wealth, parental or community support, partnership status, and other circumstances that may provide a safety net when financial setbacks occur).

DARC also offers a no cost ticket option if access to funds is a barrier to participation. For more information please email us.


All doors at DARC have accessibility buttons to press for automatic entry. DARC is located on the main floor (one story above ground) of the Arts Court building. DARC’s main entrance is located at 67 Nicholas Street which is fully wheelchair accessible. Alternate wheelchair-accessible entry is available through 2 Daly Ave at the Arts Court main entrance or the Ottawa Art Gallery. Elevator access is available from 9AM – 11PM.


DARC staff are available and happy to assist with all inquiries and requests regarding physical access. We also welcome inquiry, feedback, and resources regarding accessibility and accessibility improvement by phone (613.238.7648 x. 6) or by email at


DARC is unable to provide course attendee refunds for cancellations. DARC reserves the right to cancel or reschedule courses if necessary.